The gospel
Through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God has brought forgiveness, transformation, and hope to a world marred by sin.
Our mission
Our mission is to proclaim and live out the reality of the gospel, which is good news for the lost, for the found, for our city, and for the world.
The Lost | A New Record!
Good News For the Lost
We are forgiven of sin and declared righteous because of Jesus' work on our behalf.
The Found | A New Heart!
GOod News For The Found
God is transforming every part of us, making Jesus and his love our motive and way to thrive in life.
The City | A New Community!
Good News For Our City
We are imperfect people joined together for worship, love, and the good of our neighbors.
The World | A New World!
Good News For The World
God is making all things new. We live in hope of this reality, which we will fully see when Jesus returns.
Our Values
These five core values lead us back to Jesus Christ and help us to value what He values.
- Transformational Worship: We are swept up into the grand story of God's redemption, which transforms every part of our lives.
- Lifelong Discipleship: We are called to value what Jesus values and to follow Him together through all the ages and stages of life.
- Authentic Community: We are a community defined by the grace of God, joined together for love, flourishing, and encouragement.
- Compassionate Outreach: We are empowered to love mercy, do justice, and walk humbly with our God—for the good of our neighbors.
- Unity in Diversity: We are unified by Jesus and celebrate our racial, economic, generational, and cultural diversity as God's creative work.