We are a community of people formed around the good news of Jesus Christ—brought together for worship, mutual encouragement, and good deeds.
We worship together every Sunday @10am in downtown Dunn: 110 S Wilson Ave, Dunn, NC 28334.
All ages are welcome and there is no dress code. Our worship is simple yet profound, focused on the good news that through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God has brought forgiveness, transformation, and hope to us. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper weekly.
We have a nursery available for little ones and currently offer Children’s Worship for children through third grade during the sermon. Park anywhere on the street or in the public lots downtown. Do not park in the First Citizen’s Bank parking lot across the street.
If you are unable to join us in person, we livestream our worship on Facebook Live: no facebook account needed! Services goes live @10am and will remain available to access afterward.